WHAT A FRUITFUL MAY – Well# is ready and more events are coming!

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We are extremely excited to announce that our first product, Well#, is ready and will be officially launched in the beginning of June after 20 months of hard work in product development. We are now working day and night on testing.

We can’t wait to install these water stations and see you refill your reusable water bottle at WELL#!

Meanwhile, the team has been busy supporting several events as water sponsors and hosting plastic bottle-free campaign across Hong Kong. During the long holiday earlier in this month, we supported several events, including Kids4Kids Kids Change-Makers Awards Ceremony, Asia MBA School Football Match at UST and Ng Wah Catholic Secondary School Old Boys Association Football Competition. We have saved a total of 434 bottles within 5 days.

Nearly 100 people joined Plastic Hunter, a game we organized at the Hong Kong Maritime Museum at International Museum Day on 13rd and 14 th May. Visitors participated in finding fun facts about bottled water and plastic waste problem in Hong Kong. We received great feedback and ideas as most participants commented they were not aware about seriousness of the plastic issue in Hong Kong and we delighted to know more facts and how they could be more environmentally friendly.



在五月份的長假期,城泉亦在不同活動提供飲用水,包括Kids4Kids Kids Change Makers頒獎禮、於香港科技大學舉行的亞洲工商管理碩士足球賽及伍華書院中學部校友會主席銀盃賽,五日內一共減少了434個即棄膠樽。


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