We are very excited to complete our 2nd Well# installation at The Good Lab before the end of June! It is a co-working space which gathers changemakers and social entrepreneurs. Over 1,500 disposable bottles have saved in 10 days!
The Good Lab serves as a good platform for us to get more feedback about Well#. Initial feedback is positive. Most users find Well#’s slim design fits the space and they welcome the fast water flow. We will announce more locations of Well#. Stay tuned! Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us and share your comments.
第二個Well#已於六月底在The Good Lab好單位順利安裝。好單位是一個聚集了不少創格者及社會企業的共用工作空間,提供一個很好的平台讓我們去接觸公眾和吸取意見。不少工作空間的會員和嘉賓表示Well#的設計配合了場地需要,水流的速度亦令斟水變得方便快捷。