We had a great time to support Food Grace and participated in Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions (CTU) Flag Day as water sponsor on 9 August 2017.
The organizer signed the Green Bottle Charter for this first green flag day. Volunteers were encouraged to bring their own bottles and refill with filtered water instead of having free bottled water, which saves lots of waste during the event. We set up water station in Kwun Tong and enabled volunteers and supporters to hydrate themselves on a very hot day. We also gave out stickers designed by PolyU Master of Design students for volunteers to customize their bottles given their effort in contributing to the Flag Day a success.
Urban Spring聯同食德好,支持8月9日職工盟教育基金九龍區賣旗日。活動響應綠惜地球發起的「綠瓶子承諾」,不向義工派發即棄樽裝水,改為提供過濾飲用水,打造首個綠色賣旗日。當日我們在觀塘設立添水站,鼓勵義工和街坊們自攜水樽水壺斟水飲,亦送出由理工大學設計系碩士生Maryna & Hosea設計的樹懶貼紙,獎勵買旗又自攜水樽的朋友,實踐走塑生活。