Introducing our 5th installation of Well井 – Kids4Kids office at Wan Chai! We are so glad to see another green office in Hong Kong! Kids4Kids is a Hong Kong based non-profit organization developed to raise young people’s social awareness, inspired them to take action and enact positive social impact. Urban Spring shares similar vision with Kids4Kids: We believe in the power of young people, we hope Well井 can be a platform helping them to take up plastic-free lifestyle, and such positive actions do have the opportunity to make a difference.
揭曉我們Well井添水站第五個安裝點:位於灣仔的童協基金會 (Kid4Kids)!Kids4Kids是一個本地的非牟利組織,致力於提高兒童及青少年對社會議題的關注,並啟發他們身體力行為社會帶來正面的改變。Urban Spring與Kids4Kids一樣,重視年輕一代的力量,我們希望Well井添水站除了為Kids4Kids的辦公室減少樽裝水消耗量,亦可以作為一個教育平台,幫助年輕一代從小實行無塑生活,我們確信此等改變帶來的影響是不容忽視的!