We were pumped to be the official filtered water partner of IRIS Your Escape – the largest Hong Kong Health & Wellness Festival together with Clean Water HK; with a range of exciting features including yoga, meditation, discovery and performance zones, as well as marketplace providing the latest products in health and wellness. We provided lots of fun around urban water drinking experience at our booths, and recruited many Smart Drinking Heroes who joined our movement of “Refill to Reduce” with their own water bottle – stay healthy and stay hydrated
我們有幸成為全港最大型健康節的大會指定過濾飲用水夥伴,並聯同 Clean Water HK於西九文化區苗圃公園設置添水站提供免費飲用水。當日有一連串的體驗活動包括瑜伽和冥想班,以及超過60個推廣健康生活的市集,大家亦可在Urban Spring攤位參與遊戲和即場租借可重用水樽再場內添水。
14th Tai Kok Tsui Temple Fair
It was the 1st time for us to provide water for the mass on the street! The Secretary for the Environment Mr. Wong Kam-sing and Big Waster have also joined and supported us. Reusable lunch boxes and water bottles were provided for volunteers which have saved thousands of plastic bottles.
Médecins Sans Frontières Orienteering Competition 2018 – On Track to Save
無國界醫生野外定向2018 - 救援在野
Event at Hok Tau Reservoir has been cancelled due to adverse weather signaled by the Thunderstorm Warning. Glad to see participants were responsible to nature by refilling their bottles with our water stations.
6,000 plastic bottles saved!
Near 6,000 bottles have been saved in 3 events over the weekend!
We are excited to see more environmental-friendly elements in local mass events. Let us pass the message of “refill to reduce” along, looking forward to see all of you again with your own bottle!
我們樂於看到更多大型活動加入環保元素,希望下次可以再見到大家自攜水樽,成為Smart Drink Hero,無論在城市或郊外,都可以找到Urban Spring添水站,加入「添水.走塑」行列 !