The use of single-use or disposable plastics is a much discussed topic in town. To advocate using fewer disposable bottles, Hysan Place, a member of the Alliance, collaborated with Urban Spring to install a smart water station, Well井, providing high quality drinking water in hyper-busy Causeway Bay in July 2017. Hysan Place encourages members of the public to bring their own bottles and reduce the use of disposable bottles.
Designed in Hong Kong, the innovative smart water station Well井 can be remotely monitored for usage and performance data. An interactive LCD screen can display the number of single-use plastic bottles saved in real time which engages people to further commit to the environmental cause. From mid-2017 till now, the Well井 at Hysan Place has kept more than 160,000 plastic bottles[1] out of landfills! Riding on the success, Lee Garden Two has also installed a Well井 in May of this year. The network of Well井 in shopping malls and other commercial premises is expanding with a goal to bring an innovative and more sustainable shopping experience to the public.
Besides permanent water stations, Urban Spring also offers event solutions, and it provided filtered drinking water for Lee Gardens “EGGssentially Art!” – Egglette Festival in April, as well as “Hydrating Causeway Bay” in August 2018.
[1]Calculation based on a 500ml plastic bottle, a common size used in Hong Kong.
(Source: Hong Kong Green Building Council –
香港綠建商鋪聯盟 – 安裝智能添水站@希慎廣場
由香港人設計的創新智能添水站Well井,可遙距獲得添水站的使用數據,其LCD屏幕會實時顯示已節省的即棄膠樽數目。透過與用戶交流,鼓勵市民持續參與這個嶄新的城市添水體驗。由2017年中旬至今,希慎廣場的Well井所節省的即棄膠樽已超過160,000個 [1]。由於其成效昭著,銅鑼灣利園二期今年5月亦設置了Well井。Well井的網絡正於商場及其他商業大廈擴展,為公眾帶來嶄新與可持續的購物體驗。
除了固定的添水站外,城泉亦提供活動支援,為今年4月於利園一期舉辦的「EGGssentially Art!」雞蛋仔藝術節及8月的「Hydrating Causeway Bay」提供過濾飲用水。
[1] 以500毫升塑料瓶的單位計算