We are excited to announce that we are going to launch a school education programme with La Violet, a social enterprise which supports youth development and creativity, in the this academic year.
We are going to support 20 local schools with free installation of Well# and 1 year education programme, including drama, design thinking workshop, site visit and STEM weekend workshop as to raise students’ awareness on plastic waste problems and build BYOB habit.
城泉很高興與籽識教育合作,於今個學期開始進行為期一年的「絕膠走塑 – 校園環保教育計劃」,透過安裝Well井智能添水站及不同形式的學生活動包括話劇、Design Thinking工作坊、及STEM週末絕膠工作坊,軟硬件配合以提高學生的環保和減膠知識。
早前就在參與計劃的其中一間學校 – 潔心林炳炎中學校園內推展環保走塑活動。由劉瑤紅校長帶領下成立了核心小組,以兩位老師負責執行並訂下目標,透過互動活動一步步讓學生將減膠走塑的觀念植根於心,從校內推展到日常生活。