WellTalk係一個平台,分享Urban Spring 同事對環保科技,優質生活及趣人趣事嘅點滴。
第一集請來了Janice Wong。Janice現時在英國Hello Fresh公司任職,
在2015年在Urban Spring由 Intern開始至成為全職Data Analyst。
Urban Spring的好友Catherine Wong 上星期與Janice來了一次越洋對話,暢談她在Urban Spring由Intern到 Full time的結緣, 及由香港到歐洲工作的點滴。
Catherine ( C ), Janice (J)
C: Urban Spring有乜咁吸引你?
J:當年year 1其實不知想選讀那科,到了Urban Spring工作後學習了很多有關環保的知識和認識到業界的朋友,覺得環保的工作很有趣,而且大家很有熱情,目標一致。大學第二年便轉讀環境科技及管理。其後加入了Urban Spring的data team學習數據在科技上的應用,發現Business與環保其實是「魚與態掌,可以兼得」。
C: Urban Spring最騎呢的地方是甚麼?
C: 聽落好似成日掛住玩,唔多做事?
J:應該是work smart,play hard! 大家都有 design thinking 的 mindset。工作時很認真有效,工作以外又玩得好投入。
C: Urban Spring的經驗如何影響你日後成立自己的start up及到歐洲的發展?
J: Urban Spring給了我最多的就是自信… …
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About Catherine Wong:
Catherine Wong, co-owner of Chorev with a passion to help people better communicate with and relate to others. She is passionate about giving supportive yet direct feedback to help leaders be more effective; therefore, her programs usually involve a heavy element of practice and feedback. Catherine is a frequent speaker at chambers of commerce on various topics, such as trust building conversations, coaching leader and resilience. Catherine is an Accredited Certified Coach of the ICF, EQ-i2.0/360, MBTI Step I/II, certified facilitator for “Immunity to Change”. Link